College of Education and Human Development - George Mason University

CAP Mission

Our mission is to provide high quality, timely, and comparable assessments for all clients, while making sure that the testing experience is comfortable and informative for children and their guardians. Our clients include parents who are interested in gaining more detailed information regarding their child’s educational and intellectual functioning, often for educational planning purposes. Our reports are also used by parents seeking admission to specialized public or private educational programs.

We provide individual cognitive and educational testing year-round, and group administered tests of ability on designated dates. Our group testing typically occurs in the fall and/or winter months in alignment with local school deadlines (typically September, November, December, or January).

Individual assessments include a parent and child interview and intelligence tests, as well as an interpretive session in which assessment results are explained. You will receive a written report of the results of the assessment during the interpretive meeting. Individually administered tests of educational achievement are also available.

Group assessments tend to be more affordable because they are given in small groups. You will receive results, by mail, in a one- or two-page automated report. Individual interpretive sessions for group testing results are not included in the cost of the group assessment.

Applicants to Fairfax County Public School’s Advanced Academic Placement Programs:

To ensure high standards and consistent quality, Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) recommends George Mason University’s Cognitive Assessment Program as a quality provider of individual and group intellectual testing. These tests can be submitted to your child’s school as part of the admission process for FCPS’s Advanced Academic Programs at the elementary and middle school levels. FCPS accepts the results of either group or individual assessments administered by George Mason University.

Megan Davis, M.A., NCSP
Virginia Licensed and Nationally Certified School Psychologist
(703) 993-4200

Please Note: In case of inclement weather, we adhere to the GMU weather policy. If Mason is closed, all individual and/or group assessments will be cancelled. If your appointment is cancelled, we will contact you when our office re-opens to reschedule you for the next available appointment. To find out if Mason is closed, call (703) 993-1000 or consult the Mason website.